“Be still and know that I am God.” Words spoken amidst war, terror, and fear.
Be still, God calls to us in the midst of chaos.
Be still, and know the heart of all that is, was, and ever shall be.
Know and be held by the creator and defender of all that is good. Rest in what is eternal, what can never be overcome by violence or greed.
Where, O dear souls, can we go to find God? Where can we not? If we go to the highest heavens or the depths of the sea, He is there.

He is there because he is within you, within me, within the innocent babe in your arms, within the gaze of your dearest friend, and burning still, no matter how dimly, in the heart of the one of whom you see nothing of good.
We have forgotten that our home is here, in the only thing that is eternal, the only thing that lasts. It is here, now, in the silence of our hearts, in the quiet awareness of the divine essence that permeates all that we see, hear, and touch, that we go home to our beloved.
As we enter, we leave fear at the door. We need not the protection of fear in the palace of the Almighty. And so, we drop all our defenses, remove all barriers, and open our hearts to receive the message that is the only sustenance we weary travelers need for this Earthly journey.
Hear the Father’s words spoken over you, “My beloved, you are mine. In you, my child, I am well-pleased.”
Will you come home to him today? Will you trust in a love that is far greater and more marvelous than your limited human mind can grasp?
This is the answer to all the questions of your heart, your deepest yearnings, the healing for all your pain. This is the answer that the world too so greatly needs to bind its wounds and to embody the kingdom.
Will you be the bearer of this answer? Will you, dear one, carry this light into the darkness of our world?
Your God waits for you. Be still, and listen. He is here.
A lovely reflection on God’s presence in our lives now. How incredible we will be when we believe the truth of who we are in Him. How amazing it will be when our Light is extended to those around us.