You are the ocean; I am a wave. I am a part of you. I am the ever changing, ever volatile. I am a playground for dolphins, a challenge for surfers, a delight for small children playing where I meet the sand. I smooth over the sharp places and sculpt the shoreline as I dance. I am love in motion, wild and beautiful. And yet, as I draw close to the shore, after my moment of greatest glory, I become unbalanced and crash. I forget who I am and I am afraid.
You are the ocean. Deep, quiet, still. You are peace. You watch me dance and rejoice, knowing I am safe, knowing that we are forever one, forever a part of each other.

Ocean of love, draw me back into yourself. Draw me back into the depths and let me listen to your breath, your heartbeat…strong, secure, safe. Remind me that I am a part of you. Envelop me in your healing and then, when I have remembered that I can never be separate from you, never be other than a part of your ocean, send me out to dance again.