Don’t Get Cocky

My boys are back into Star Wars recently. They just watched “Solo” yesterday morning, so I have all things George Lucas on the brain. Leia’s line and the inspiration for the title of this post is not far from the truth, though. Between COVID, climate change, racial injustice, political corruption, and a whole host of other problems, we really are in need of someone to “save our skins”.
The title of this post might insinuate that I’m more than a little full of myself and suggesting that I can save the world.
I’m sorry–I wish that I could. However, I’m not AntMan (today’s movie–we are in COVID quarantine–a movie a day keeps the locked in blues away)–I can’t save the world single handedly. But I believe I, and you, have a TON more power to be the change that we so desperately need in the world. Well, sort of….just stay with me…

Checkbooks and Calendars
If we’re going to save the world, then we ought first to do a little self-examination. As one of the greatest humans of all time, Ghandi, said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. So, how do we stack up?
Our head pastor advises that to get to what matters to a person, just take a look at 2 things: their checkbook (credit card statements?) and their calendar. As we approach the end of 2021, taking a little self inventory is a great idea. I challenge you to do the same after reading this post. Here’s my self-analysis:
The Days of Our Lives (Not My Favorite Show but a Great Title)
In the past year I’ve:
- Worked full-time as a high school teacher
- Published a book, multiple YouTube videos, and a dozen or so blog posts
- Spent hours with my boys, my late husband, parents, church family, and friends, doing mostly simple things.
So, far, so good. Nearly everything on the calendar is geared towards loving God, self (in a God-centered way), and others. On to the checkbook….
Must Be the Money
Look, you’re not the IRS, so I’m not laying everything out here. Let’s just say that the checkbook matches the calendar, with a little extra cash put towards traveling (primarily to national/regional parks to experience the beauty of nature) with the family.
Alright…calm down Han…I know this section sounded egotistical, but bear with me.
It’s a Trap!

The calendar and the checkbook look great–hopefully yours does as well. However, we are fooling ourselves if we don’t check in one more place–the most important of all: our hearts.
And this leads me to my new year’s resolution.
I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This…
Ultimately, the process of self-examination showed that I truly desire to “be” a good person. That can only go so far. As Samuel tells us, “God does not see as humans see. Humans look at outward appearances, but the LORD looks into the heart.”
Ultimately, the heart is all that matters. What is WITHIN us is what has the strongest power to heal our world. It is not the number of blog posts or videos created or the quality of instruction I deliver that will make a different in the world but rather the power that flows in and through me–the power that emanates from deep within.
Think about it–what is within you?
Pause for dramatic effect…
Christ. Christ is within you. And the more you allow the Holy Spirit, the Christlight, to live in and through you, the greater healing you can bring to the world.
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
Galatians 2:20 (NIV)
This year, I resolve to let go of myself, and let Christ take over.
This is a New Day, A New Beginning…

So, this year, I want to let go of the calendar and the checkbook. I want to let go of “needing” to do anything with my day to feel as though I’ve accomplished something or been what I’m called to be.
I want to to release my attachments to guilt, pride, and judgment.
Finally, I want to relinquish my desire for anything but God.
There’s a good chance that if I’m successful in this (the dying to self thing), there won’t be a blog by the end of 2022.
Because, ultimately, it isn’t about me. It’s about what is within me. This year, my resolution is to allow God to work in me so that my sole desire is to be completely overtaken by the love of God.
Call me crazy, but I believe that if any of us were to be successful in this, the energy of the Spirit within us would be so powerful that the lives of countless others would be instantly transformed.
Read that last sentence again. Sit with it–it’s probably the most important 30 seconds you’ll spend all day, or even all year. Once you’re finished, please feel free to move on. 🙂
So, I invite you to join me this year in a year of surrender, complete surrender of everything within us to the will of God, the power of God, the love of God. Let’s allow ourselves to be vessels of the Holy Spirit.
Let’s allow God to change the world.
After all, someone’s gotta save our skins.
Great content! Keep up the good work!
Thank you!