Remembering Who I Am

Last night, I woke from deep sleep,
Forgetting where I was.
This isn't that unusual.
The light plays tricks on the eyes at times
Shadows mixing with distant memories
And I misplace myself in my childhood home
Or a place I recently visited to get away from it all.

But this time was different.
"Bedroom," "Night," and "Blanket" held no meaning.
There was merely light and shadow, 
Energy in solid form, dancing.
Pure beauty, free of labels
At liberty to "be" in all its glory

Last night, I woke from deep sleep,
Forgetting "who" I was.
THIS has never happened before.
I was neither man, nor woman.
Not mother, teacher, daughter, widow.
There were no responsibilities, nothing to do, 
I woke with inherent value and purity.
I WAS love and awareness itself.
I WAS what I had forever longed to be.
And I need do nothing to earn it.

One thousand one
One thousand two
One thousand three
It all come flooding back...
The responsibilities, worries, and strivings.
The past and the future.
All that, a second before, had no meaning.

I spent the rest of the day 
trying to forget who I was again
To get back to that place 
of utter beauty.
Because, perhaps last night I didn't forget,

I remembered.

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